Is Pollution From Cars A Major Cause Of Asthma?

We all know that fumes from cars are bad for the environment and bad for our health. It is well known that living near a busy road can cause asthma to flare up, especially among children. But now a study suggests that pollution from traffic is actually causing a large number of cases of asthma.

The study, carried out by the University of Southern California, revealed that at least eight percent of the more than 300,000 cases of childhood asthma in Los Angeles County were caused by traffic-related pollution. It seems that when children live in homes within 250 feet of a busy road they are much more at risk of developing the disease.

The study is ground-breaking in the sense that it shows a link with traffic pollution actually being a cause of the disease. In the past, it had been though that such pollution was just a factor in making symptoms worse from people who already suffered with asthma.

With asthma playing such a crucial role in the wellness of young children, it’s important that we have all the facts about how cars can affect asthma and other breathing difficulties. The researchers suggested that plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and battle climate change could make a big difference. If stricter regulations were brought in regarding emissions it would reduce the number of people who develop asthma from traffic pollution.

There is also evidence that other diseases including atherosclerosis, lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease could be caused or made worse by pollution from traffic. This means that a reduction in emissions wouldn’t only help people suffering with asthma but could help alleviate a number of long-term health problems.

If you already live nearby a busy road, you can help reduce the effects of pollution by planting trees and other greenery. They are excellent at absorbing pollution. Air filters can also be fitted to help make the air inside your home cleaner.

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