Is Acupuncture Suitable For Young Children?
Acupuncture has such good standing in the complementary health industry, that one would be forgiven for thinking it had no drawbacks. This ancient science uses a holistic approach to the body, identifying its exact needs and bringing weaker areas back into balance. Patients report a restored sense of wellbeing, as well as the cure of numerous specific symptoms. Those who’ve experienced the effects for themselves may be very keen to encourage their family to try it for themselves. However, be wary when choosing acupuncture as a complementary therapy for young children.
One of the notable facts about acupuncture research is that there has been an insufficient amount of research done on the experience of children with the therapy. A new review, undertaken at theUniversityofAlberta,Canadalooks more deeply into this area. The research team, led by Denis Adams looked into instances of adverse effects from acupuncture treatment. They enquired into 279 adverse effects from a set of 1422 procedures undergone by children under 18. The vast majority of these cases pertained to mild side effects such as pain, bruising, bleeding or the worsening of the pre-existent condition. With 253 of the cases judged as minor, twenty-five represented more serious effects and included infections, intestinal blockages and in one rare case, a rupture of the heart.
The study looked intently into the causes of each of these negative side effects. It was found that the adverse results were most likely caused by ‘substandard practice’ in the acupuncture industry, such as inadequate sterilisation and improperly qualified practitioners. This stance corresponds to the position of theNationalCenterfor Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which officially notes that there are a tiny number of reported bad experiences in the field of acupuncture, in relation to the millions of successful treatments taking place each year.
The University of Alberta research showed itself to be a highly responsible exercise in ensuring the safety of children who undergo acupuncture. The results warn parents that the dangers lie in the actions of unprofessional acupuncturists, rather than acupuncture itself. Parents have a number of responsibilities when choosing the wellness benefits of acupuncture for their child. Firstly, it is important that your child is of a suitable age to lie still for the procedure, and that he or she totally understands the process. Of equal importance is the need to find a qualified acupuncturist who is well experienced in practicing on children. When attending treatment, be sure to observe the process and check that your therapist properly sterilizes their equipment.
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