Are You Risking Your Back With Steroid Injections?

A useful treatment for pain relief has been linked to a decrease in our bone mineral density, which could rule out the analgesia if we already suffer from brittle bones. A project by health care organisation – Henry Ford recently highlighted the connection between epidural pain relief and changes to bone cells.


Back pain


Lots of us across the world need treatment for back pain over the course of our lifetime. In fact, figures show that in the US it is a major wellness issue, with 8 out of 10 people requiring medical attention or medication for the problem. Doctors usually start treating us with anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy, but if our wellbeing is persistently affected then we can be offered epidural steroid injections. Now clinicians may adapt how they prescribe this medicine following the Henry Ford research that compared bone mineral density (BMD) in the hips of post-menopausal women who had been given these kinds of injections with those that hadn’t.


Injection issues


As post-menopausal women, our BMD can drop significantly due to a decline in hormones that prevent bone cells shedding. This can make us vulnerable to conditions like osteoporosis, and makes it more important than ever that we preserve our bone cells. But epidural injections used for back pain could make problems worse. The study’s researchers found that over a six month period the group of women prescribed epidural injections for back pain experienced as much bone loss as the injection-free group saw in an entire year. Medical experts are encouraging doctors to review how they prescribe this medicine to women who have already gone through the menopause in order to protect BMD, especially when it comes to multiple injections. The researchers advise initially treating back problems by improving bone health to strengthen our backs and reduce pain. Exercising correctly and making sure we eat enough calcium and Vitamin D can all contribute to our bone wellness.

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