How your Leaking Gut Could be Causing your Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of over 200 types of arthritis, all of which affect the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis specifically is an autoimmune reaction which occurs when the body’s immune system mistakes the cartilage in joints as a foreign entity and attacks it. This attack causes swelling which in turn causes chronic pain and can lead to loss of mobility, without the right treatment it can leave you deformed. As with a lot of the arthritis type conditions, we don’t really know why people contract them. There are theories and there are factors but the defining cause is still a bit of a mystery to medicine.


For some people it may be down to what they eat. Food is a great causer of allergic reactions, sometimes in such a small way that you’d never notice if it wasn’t pointed out to you and other times in ways which could threaten your life. It’s not being said that these same foods could actually be contributing to the causation of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Rheumatoid arthritis sits snugly in this bracket.
Potential allergens are said to come from the gut in a process known as leaky gut, where the stomach inflames and causes tiny fractures to form. This condition is generally seen in the genetically predisposed but can occur in anyone with the right amount of stress put on their guts.
Toxins which would otherwise be removed from the body via the bowels or kidneys leak into the body and are then left with free reign to do it harm. Sometimes this can cause an immune response in an odd place, which is a potential factor in rheumatoid arthritis.


Talk to your Doctor about your potential risks here. They’ll be able to tell you if you’re genetically predisposed to leaky gut and the foods you should avoid if you are!

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