Which Kind Of Survival Food Should Your Family Stock Up On?

In these unpredictable times, you never know what’s around the corner and you may want to look out for your family wellness by stocking up on food. This is a good idea as you never know what’s around the corner, threatening your family’s wellbeing, but what kinds of food to you go for? There’s freeze-dried foods, on the one hand, but on the other there’re more familiar cans, so which one is best for your family?

Firstly, what exactly is freeze-dried food? This may seem like the kind of complicated and scientific thing they eat in space and on survival expeditions, but freeze-dried food is simply food that is already prepared and dried (via freezing, if you hadn’t worked that out). It can come as meals or single components, in pouches and cans, and you just add hot water for a hot meal. These foods have an extremely long shelf-life, so with a one-time purchase you can secure your sense of mental wellness for the next 20 years.

You’ll most likely be more familiar with canned or tinned food. You find this in any supermarket and can last a few years, though people claim it will be fine to eat ages after the use-by date. Though it doesn’t last as long as freeze-dried food, it’s certainly a lot cheaper so it depends on whether you want to put in a one-off investment or if you’d rather hold on to your money and buy more cans if need be.

However, if you have the money, you might want to stock up on both varieties. Freeze-dried food is lighter and you can pack more of it in the same size container, which is helpful if you need to move out in a hurry. However, though as a family you’ll need several servings per meal, and so could use the extra packages, the prices of this can really add up. A serving of canned food works out as roughly 10 times cheaper than freeze-dried, though it does involve slightly more preparation. What it all comes down to is what works best for your family, and what will give you greater peace of mind?

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