How To Create A Smooth And Healthy Complexion
What you do for your skin, as well as when you do it, plays a big part in the condition of it. You need to start caring for your skin from an early age in order to see results, as trying to reverse the damage after it’s occurred will be ineffective. There are steps you can take though which will have a positive impact on your skin, creating a youthful and healthy glow.
Start caring from an early age
A regular routine from an early age can help to prevent wrinkles and create a smooth complexion. This routine should consist of regular cleansing and toning, followed by a hydrating moisturiser, and treatments such as facials, exfoliating and steaming, which clean the pores. Be sure to use products which are as chemical-free as possible, in order to limit the risk of rashes or irritations.
Avoid the sun
The sun’s rays are incredibly harmful, so you should avoid them wherever possible. While a small amount of sun is important for allowing your body to absorb vitamin D, you need to ensure you stay as safe as possible. Too much exposure to the sun can cause the skin to burn, which damages the condition but also increases your risk of skin cancer. You should aim to use a high SPF sun cream whenever you’re sitting in the sun, avoid the sun when it’s at its highest in the sky as it is more powerful at this time and seek shade wherever possible. In order to stave off wrinkles, you should also protect your face, so invest in a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses which will keep those damaging rays off of your face.
Keeping your skin hydrated is vital, as this will help to keep the cells nourished to create glowing skin. You should aim for around four litres a day, which will help you develop toned and smooth skin. Your diet plays a big part too, so eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to get all the vital nutrients, up your intake of vitamin C through citrus fruits and juices, and avoid sugar where possible, as this damages the skin cells.
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