Does Nutrition Play A Role In Helping Arthritis Sufferers?

Nutrition is an important component in natural treatments for arthritis. The chronic disorder causes inflammation of the joints and with certain foods known to be inflammatory products, the right diet is considered essential for symptom and pain relief.

There has been a lot of research into the connection between food and chronic conditions such as arthritis and much more is needed to establish definitive links between what we consume and the diseases we are at risk of contracting. However, we already know that weight and diet have a role to play in certain types of arthritis.

Medical opinion is that a balanced, healthy diet is essential for all of us and particularly so for those with arthritis. That means the right combination of carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals.

As arthritis affects the joints, being overweight or obese can be troublesome for sufferers. Eating in moderation will help you lose weight and ease the pressure on painful joints.

Foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids are known to have inflammatory properties so including the likes of oily fish, walnuts and flax seeds in your diet can be a natural aid to symptom relief. You can also take omega 3 supplements and other supplements such as glucosamine and chondriton that are said to halt joint degeneration and help joint function.

Daily helpings of fresh fruit and vegetables are also essential for nutritional balance and leafy greens and bananas are particularly helpful for arthritis sufferers. Reduce the amount of salt and sugar you take and watch how much dairy you have as it can irritate the digestive system and lead to inflammation.

Only have red meat once or twice a week because it’s high in saturated fat and can also increase your cholesterol. Drink alcohol only in moderation and cut out caffeine and fizzy drinks – all have a detrimental effect on your digestion so drink more water instead.

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