Are You Fighting The Menopause Blues?
A drop in our hormones around the time of menopause can make changes to our appearance, but also to our mood. If we find we’re feeling down at this time there’s a lot we can do to bring back a feeling of wellness to our lives, according to a woman’s health expert. Writer Stephanie Bender explains how she has focussed on woman’s health and wellbeing in many of her publications and now she is giving tips on how we can deal with the blues when we’re approaching or going through the menopause.
Consider relationships
Sometimes we reach the menopause as other aspects of our lives are changing. Grown children may be leaving the home for the first time, and partners could be retiring or dealing with health concerns. All this change combined with a decrease in hormones can be overwhelming. The writer explains how this is an ideal time to consider our friendships by surrounding ourselves with those that make us feel good. She adds that we shouldn’t feel guilty about easing contact with people who don’t contribute to our lives positively.
Breath of fresh air
The last thing we may feel like doing when we feel low is exercising. But Stephanie says that getting active is important, and doing so in the great outdoors may calm menopause-related health concerns. She suggests going for power walks in nature to get our circulation working and also to give us some time out from our busy lives, especially if we still have children to care for and perhaps our elderly parents too.
Look inside
The expert also encourages us to learn from our past and not to feel overly anxious about our changing moods. She explains how we should see how adapting to life’s changes may not be easy, but it can add to our self-knowledge and help us to develop confidence. Stephanie also pointed out that it’s normal to feel mood changes at this time and meeting with our GPs is an effective way to find out about other ways we can resolve negative emotions we experience around the menopause.
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