Political Controversy In NHS Cancer Provisions

Little known to the public, there is a viral disease that can cause throat cancer in men. Human Papillomavirus or HPV, a virus that affects the head and neck area, is on the increase. Girls are already vaccinated against this virus and now The Royal Marsden Hospital and Throat Cancer Foundation are calling for boys to be vaccinated too. The Throat Cancer Foundation is calling for immediate action in order to prevent further cases of cancer from occurring due to this virus. The issue is still under the consideration of Britain’s Health Minister, and many people fear that she will block the introduction of the HPV test for men. Critics in some quarters predict that she will find the change ‘economically unviable’.

Women have gained so much support and funding for breast cancer in recent years; it’s now time that men face their potential illnesses and lobby investors and government to take immediate action.  If more funding and awareness can be generated in this field, especially in terms of vaccinating boys to prevent this virus, then we can look towards a lower risk environment and improved wellness for men by preventing many diseases before they happen.

Cancer is one of the biggest killers in the UK, and while we can’t control who it affects, there is no time to waste in taking action over the areas that we can have an influence on. In other words, don’t wait until you’re old to take preventative action against serious illnesses. Though public health information and screening are vital, the best preventative measure is leading a healthy and balanced lifestyle. This includes regular cardiovascular exercise, not smoking or taking drugs, a vegetarian diet and a stable mind.

It is not only important to face the risks of diseases to take regular tests to ensure an early diagnosis but also to lobby government and investors to take action in areas such as HPV vaccination and improved public awareness of cancer in men. Add this to leading a healthy lifestyle and you will be well on the way to improving not just your own wellness, but the wellbeing of your community at large.

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