New Supplement Set To De-Stress The West!

Stress is one of the most common issues in the world today. It’s a real issue in the developed world as people’s lives become much less their own and they’re required to spend much more time at work or on chores for the family. The inability to spend a little time on yourself is a great cause of stress as this simple act can relieve a day’s worth of frustration and repetition.

There are all sorts of treatments and therapies available to those who suffer from chronic stress. These range from the potent pharmaceutical options to the more holistic and alternative therapies meant to calm you down. There’s a reason that stress is taken seriously enough to have this many treatments, it can bring about some much nastier conditions. Heart disease and depression and are common results of long-term unmitigated stress levels. Your blood pressure drives higher which leads to heart damage and the eventual weakening of that most important of muscles. The inability to relax and enjoy some time to yourself can lead to a perpetually low mood which often becomes depression with all its terrible side effects.

The advantage of a condition being so common is that more money to put into researching new and more powering therapies for that condition. This is as true for stress as it is for obesity and all sorts of massive corporations and companies are vying for control of these relatively new markets.

A new Indian supplement called Ashwagandha ayurvedic (Ashwa) has recently been shown to have incredibly potent stress fighting potential. In a study it was shown that people who took a 600mg dose of Ashwa every day for 60 days showed an average drop of around 30% in the levels of their stress!

The Ashwa supplement is likely to hit the shelves in the next few months and could well open up a whole new world of stress relief techniques.


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