The Cancer Fighting Qualities Of Blueberries
Over recent years “Super foods” has become a fashionable phrase for healthy foods that are exceptional for your wellbeing. Super foods are known for their energizing, detoxifying and immune building qualities. One of the best-known ways of incorporating super foods into your wellness routine is to add them to a daily smoothie mix. You can then be sure of a potent vitamin, mineral and anti-oxidant boost to activate your body, mind and spirit at the start of the day.
It seems that all the high hopes about super foods may well be a reality in the case of one – blueberries. In a recent study they have been found to reduce breast cancer growth in mice. We are rather different from mice however, so the next step involves human clinical trials to identify exactly how many blueberries we need a day to achieve this effect. Based on the mouse study, the equivalent dose for humans would be just two cups per day, but research on real human subjects is required to prove this effect beyond doubt. It is thought that the most active cancer-reducing qualities in blueberries are the flavonoids, particularly flavanols and anthocyanins. These compounds have been noted in other research over the last ten years to reduce the risk of bowel disease, lower blood pressure and improve brain health.
As research becomes more conclusive we may see blueberries or their active ingredients being used as part of breast cancer treatment programmes. Even now, the evidence is extremely strong on the wellness benefits of blueberries, including cancer fighting qualities among many others. With this in mind it is well worth adding blueberries to your diet even though the jury is out as to exactly how they work and the best daily dose. In doing so you will be joining the many wellbeing advocates who have reported feeling so great after boosting their diet with super foods.
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