First Borns – Taller, Slimmer And More At Risk Of Diabetes?

If you’re the first born child in your family, you’ll know that there are many advantages, but studies show that there could be health problems to contend with as well. Researchers have discovered that although first borns tend to be taller and slimmer than their siblings, they are also at a higher risk of diabetes – this is due to physical changes in the mother’s womb which mean that the nutrient flow is better for her future children, as opposed to her first born. Those born first tend to struggle more with absorbing sugars into the body.

Scientists have found that the body’s resistance to insulin was more than 20 percent lower in the first child to be born than any subsequent children that the mother may have – it was also noted that they tended to have a higher blood pressure as well, on average. The author of the study, Wayne Cutfield, stated that while the order of birth is not necessarily a predictor of any metabolic or cardiovascular disease, it can contribute to the level of risk in the individual.

Diabetes is a condition which affects millions of people around the world and is greatly affected by one’s lifestyle, in addition to genetic factors. You should try to limit your intake of sugar and fats so as to cut your risk down, as well as eating plenty of fruit and vegetables. By providing your body with the vital nutrients it needs, you can boost your immune system, improve your sense of wellbeing and help reduce your risk of major health concerns, including heart disease, stroke and, of course, diabetes. If you think you may be at risk of diabetes or would like some more information about the condition, you should speak to your GP who can run some tests to determine whether or not you have diabetes.


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