Fish Oil: Is It Really Worth Your Time And Money?

When it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle there are some things that are simply indisputable. We all know, for example, that eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, getting regular exercise and avoiding sugar and fat are very good for us. Not everything, however, it quite so clear cut. Take the problem of supplements.

The trouble is that you hear so much contradictory evidence about supplements. Some experts claim that they are completely vital to a healthy lifestyle, while others contend that they offer no real benefits to your wellness. The issue gets even more complex when you look at the massive variety of pills and powders on offer in supermarkets and chemists.

However, there is one name that stands out over many as offering a number of impressive health benefits – and that’s fish oil. There is simply no other nutritional supplement that can offer the consistently-supported scientific evidence that they are actually very good for us. Fish oils are proven to provide reductions in our levels of disease.

Fish oil has benefits throughout the body, but one of the most important is probably the reduction that it has in heart disease. When taken after heart-attacks, fish oil has been shown to reduce death, non-fatal heart attacks and non-fatal strokes by around 15 percent.

Like many people, you’re probably also keen to avoid the heart attack in the first place. And fortunately, fish oil doesn’t just help after the event either. The oil stabilises the electrical rhythm of the heart and the consumption was associated with a 14 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease.

Aside from the benefits to our physical health, fish oil is also known to help with mental health issues too. It seems that the oil is essential for the structural functioning of the brain as well as being involved in neurotransmitter activity.


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