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The Innumerable Health Benefits Of Fish Oil
There are certain words and terms that we can’t help but associate with being bad for our health. Just think about the words ‘fat’ and ‘oil’ – they are undoubtedly what could be described as ‘bad words in the sense that we attribute them as…
Supplement Saviour: When is Diet Not Enough?
You know that you need to include all the essential vitamins and minerals in your diet, but what about those nutrients that need a little wellness boost? Most of the research suggesting vitamins and minerals prevent cancer and heart disease…
Green Tea, CLA, HCA, Chromium: The Fab Four of Weight Loss
The weight loss supplement industry is worth billions, and it’s not difficult to see why; who wouldn’t want a magic pill that negates the need for calorie counting and hardcore exercise? Still, even with all that popularity, this is an…
Probiotics: Which Ones Are Right For You?
Almost everyone has heard of probiotics. They truly are big news, what with companies advertising constantly about the benefits that they can have for you ‘gut’. It seems that these companies will suggest that probiotics are good for almost…
Things You Should Know About Herbal Supplements
It seems that herbal supplements are becoming more and more common as household names. We already think of Echinacea when we want to deal with colds. We think of ginkgo if we want to improve memory function. We think of flax-seed when we…
Parent Pills: What You Need to Know About Prenatal Vitamins
No matter how concerned you are about your own health and wellness, that feeling is magnified when you’re expecting. Suddenly, you’re responsible for the wellbeing of a little human who is so helpless it hasn’t developed fingers or hands…
Why Herbal Supplements Aren’t Right for Everyone?
Botany has played a great role in medical purposes. Botanicals, also known as herbal supplements are available easily today. Ginkgo will improve your memory. Flaxseed can help lower your cholesterol and Echinacea can prevent cold. But are…
Can Supplements Help People with Bipolar Disorder?
Many people choose supplements, whether to target a specific wellness problem, or to improve their general wellbeing, but are they advisable when you have bipolar disorder? Supplements can be beneficial for ensuring you get all the vitamins…
What is the Best Way to Get Omega-3?
It is common knowledge that omega-3 is good for you. These fatty acids are recommended by virtually every dietician and nutritionist in the world – and that’s because they have a number of health benefits for you and your body both in the…
Is Fish Oil Helping or Harming Your Body?
Health articles and experts are constantly praising fish oils and the benefits that they can provide to your body. However, why is there such a hype surrounding these oils and are they really as good for you as people claim? Omega-3 fatty…
The Dark Side of Supplements: Is Your Health at Risk?
There’s no denying that supplements can be beneficial to your wellbeing; if you’re missing vital nutrients or experiencing health problems, supplements can give you the wellness top-up your diet needs. However, many people get their…
Why Are Supplements So Necessary For Our Health?
Society has become increasingly health conscious in recent years, and thanks to the internet we are more knowledgeable than ever about what our bodies need. This increasing desire to be healthy and live stronger lives has resulted in people…
Have You Been Taken in By the Five Supplement Myths?
While we’re big on vitamin and mineral supplements these days, we don’t actually know a hell of a lot about them. In fact, there are plenty of myths floating around out there about vitamins, and how they benefit your wellness, but you may…
Female-Targeted Supplements to Boost Women’s Health
With so many supplements on the market, it can be difficult knowing where to begin in finding one that suits your body and needs. A new range of female-targeted supplements known as femMED have been released that take the confusion out of…
How to Take the Right Supplements to Help Keep You Healthy
If you take vitamins, minerals and supplements, the chances are that you are trying to be healthier and to improve your wellness and wellbeing. There are so many dietary supplements on the market, however, that it can be tough to work out…
Top Supplements for Men’s Health
For most men, there's plenty of room for improvement where nutrition is concerned. It can be easy to develop nutritional blind spots when we prefer certain foods, so our body begins to lack vital vitamins and minerals as a result. Your body…
How to Use Supplements Safely
The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, or DSHEA, labels a dietary supplement as something which supplements your food, contains one or more dietary ingredient such as vitamins or minerals, and comes in a pill form. Naturally,…
Could Barley be the Key Ingredient to Improving Your Health?
Barley is one of the most important supplements that you could possibly use to improve your wellness. This fantastic food is cheap, readily available and has numerous benefits for your health and wellbeing, and yet it is often not a staple…
Can Health Beverages Ever Replace a Balanced Meal?
As you become more and more conscious of health and wellness, you begin to realise that you need a healthy diet that comprises of different kinds of foods. While this was something drilled into you when you were young, you start to see that…
What Every Pregnant Women Needs To Know About Supplements
In order to give yourself the best chance of maintaining your wellness and wellbeing, and that of your unborn child, throughout pregnancy, there are certain vitamins, minerals and supplements that you should take.
Eating a…
Can Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements Help You Live Longer?
Most people, if questioned, would say that they want to live longer. There are all kinds of methods that people use to attempt longevity, but one that they should pay closer attention to is using vitamins, minerals and supplements.…
Get Sumptuous Skin and Lustrous Locks with these Supplements
Man, don’t you wish there was a pill that will magically give you perfect skin and hair? Why does beauty have to always be such a faff? Sadly, there isn’t a tablet that will have you Beyonce-beautiful in two minutes flat (even if you’re…
Don’t Be a Slave to Menopause: Symptom-Reducing Supplements
Unfortunately, menopause can take its toll on your body just as much as your monthly cycle has been doing for the last 30-odd years. You can experience erratic moods, hot flashes, burning sensation, sleep loss, and dizziness. You might…
Cancer Making You Tired and Sluggish? Get Going with Ginseng
Cancer can take its toll on your well-being, even after you’re in remission. The disease, among other things, can affect your wellness with tiredness and fatigue, but this might not be the case if you start to take ginseng supplements. This…
Fishy Findings: Omega-3’s May Increase Prostate Cancer Risk
Wellness enthusiasts always seem to be going on about omega-3 fatty acids. The anti-inflammatory properties of this compound, found naturally in oily fish, are widely believed to protect your well-being against heart attacks, strokes,…
Are You Confused About Supplements? So are the Experts!
In Britain, more than a third of us try to improve our wellness by taking a daily supplement, but there used to be a lot more interest in healthy pill-popping. 41% of Brits were loading up on vitamins and minerals in 2008, but last year…
Health, Hannibal Style: Why Liver is So Good for You
The thought of eating liver may not be too appealing – unless you’re Hannibal Lecter and in the mood for a nice Chianti – but when you hear about how animal liver might benefit your well-being, it may become an idea you can swallow. Animal…
Are Your Morning Vitamins Really Good for You?
Studies suggest that one in three people take supplements every day in the UK, and 15 percent of people turn to a high dose supplements as a way of getting a quick fix. But how effective are these pills in boosting our immune system and…
The Facts About Bodybuilding Supplements
Bodybuilders have become synonymous with supplements and protein shakes, but how effective are supplements in helping to improve muscle mass? New studies suggest that they may not actually be that helpful in improving your performance in…
Could Dietary Supplements Help To Increase Your Muscles?
When you think about boosting muscles and increasing your physical wellness, you probably imagine hours and hours spent lifting weights in the gym. What may not immediately spring to mind is the idea of taking supplements to boost your…