The Facts About Bodybuilding Supplements

Bodybuilders have become synonymous with supplements and protein shakes, but how effective are supplements in helping to improve muscle mass? New studies suggest that they may not actually be that helpful in improving your performance in the gym, with nutrition and training being the most vital aspects of any programme. Supplements are merely an addition to your routine, which may not actually be all that beneficial to your body or appearance. However, once you’ve achieved the basics of a great bodybuilding routine, then you can look into whether a supplement is right for you – until then, supplements won’t help you achieve your goals.


As with any supplements, bodybuilding supplements can help to boost your well-being by filling in the nutritional gaps in your diet. Because your activity levels will increase, supplements help to bolster your diet and energy by providing more vitamins and minerals. Even a slight deficiency in a nutrient can lead to a sabotaged muscle growth, so a balanced diet is vital if you’re trying to increase your muscle mass. But it’s important to remember that not all supplement are created equally – some depend on what your body is in need of, others are dependent on what your goals are or what your budget is. The basic bodybuilding supplements rely on multivitamins and minerals which ensure that your body is primed to work at optimal levels. Vitamins are organic compounds which enhance the processes of proteins, building tissues and muscle in the body, and increasing your energy levels.


Fat soluble vitamins are stored as fat if you take too much, whereas water soluble nutrients are not stored in the body, such as B-complex or vitamin C. Minerals are inorganic and help to boost the function of the brain by making sure that it send and receives the right signals. There are various forms of bodybuilding supplements, including whey proteins, eggs and milk proteins – each has its own set of pros and cons which should be weighed up before taking. If you’re unsure on any of the effects, you should speak to your GP.


Your choice of supplement depends wholly on your goals and how you’re training. For example, if you’re trying to gain weight then a choice of carbs and proteins is ideal. However, if you’re going down the budget route then protein powder is a cheaper yet effective way of bulking up. Essential fatty acids are a crucial aspect of bodybuilding as these are used in several key bodily functions, including energy production, fat burning and the development of nerve tissues. They also strengthen the immune system and regulate mood. Many bodybuilders opt for a basic programme of carbs or protein formulas without taking other nutrients into account, but this can mean that you’re lacking in key ingredients for muscle building which results in the supplements being less then effective. Vitamin C, for example, helps your body to recover faster after workouts, which can be helpful if you’re training a lot more. Likewise, chromium can help to regulate blood sugar levels which can prevent fat being stored in the body.


A good personal trainer will be able to advise of a diet and exercise programme which can improve your strength and muscle gain without the need for supplements, which means plenty of lean protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains, in addition to water to stay hydrated. However, some people find them useful as a way of boosting the results of their efforts. For bodybuilders, or even people simply looking to get fitter and more toned, supplements can fill in the gaps that their diet has provided, much like everyday multivitamins do.

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