Stress Is Damaging But Not Cancerous

Stress is one of the biggest problems in the work place today. With new technology people can and are expect to do more and more on their own. What would have once been two or three people jobs have become things for just one person to tackle all on their own. While technology now makes it possible for us to do this much that doesn’t mean we’re emotionally or psychologically equipped to do it. The endless tasks can easily get overwhelming and the continual feeling of being submerged in a continually replenishing supply of jobs can easily become more than stressful. Some people love the stress and thrive on it, but for others it can be intensely damaging and prolonged exposure to high levels of stress can permanently damage health and wellbeing.

It’s well known that stress can cause depression or heart disease. High levels of stress can bring a person’s mood down and that can easily spiral further into depression. Unrelenting work without other parts of life to balance it out is smothering and can leave people feeling very low and depressed. Stress also raises blood pressure which, in time, can damage the heart and cause it to weaken entirely. This is a cause of heart disease in itself and can bring about things like cardiac arrest or heart attack!

Some good news for stress and the stressed is that contrary to popular opinion, it doesn’t cause cancer. For a long while it was thought that high levels of stress for prolonged periods of time could raise an individual’s likelihood of contracting cancer. To be honest, most things have been accused of being carcinogenic at one time or another and this is just another of those many things which has been disproven.

Do you best to lower your levels of stress in the workplace. No job is worth your health!

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