Five Easy Ways To Get Your Dose Of Vitamin D

Five Easy Ways To Get Your Dose Of Vitamin DDid you know that vitamin D is the most common vitamin deficiency in the world? It’s one of the most difficult for us to get as it’s not always in the first foods you reach for. But a lack of vitamin D can cause you some serious health issues. So here are five of the best ways to get more vitamin D into your body.


Vitamin D is known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, and that’s because we can synthesise the vitamin in our bodies as long as we have direct exposure to sunlight. Unfortunately if you live in a perennially cloudy country like Britain, getting enough sunlight can sometimes be a challenge.

Remember that sun lotions and creams actually block the UV light from penetrating the skin – and whilst that’s generally good for us, it means we can’t absorb the vitamin D. If the sun does pop out then why not spend a little time outside without protection to get a little of the goodness we need.

Fatty fish

Salmon, trout, mackerel and tuna are all great fishy options that are bursting with vitamin D. They also come with the added bonus of omega-3 fatty acids which are great for your heart. Canned tuna does the trick as well.


If you’re struggling to get enough vitamin D into your diet or from the sun then you can use daily supplements. Remember, of course, that like vitamins, too much of it can be dangerous for your liver. Always consult your doctor before taking vitamin tablets.


Eggs are such a versatile option there’s no reason why you can’t get plenty of vitamin D from them. The vitamin is contained all in the yolk so it’s important that you get eat the whole egg and not just the whites.

Beef liver

While maybe not the most attractive option, beef liver does have all the vitamin D you need. It can’t be used in many things, but it’s cheap and nutritious so there’s no reason not to look up some recipes and get creative.

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