Did Your Birth Choices Make Your Baby Ill?

Did Your Birth Choices Make Your Baby IllHow a baby is born and how it is fed during its infancy can affect its health in later life, according to a new study. This study indicates that the birth and feeding methods of babies may change the natural bacteria that they have in their gut.

Some of these changes may cause negative effects in later life, such as being more prone to developing allergies, asthma or a number of other medical problems.

Most mothers choose their birth methods wisely, with family wellness firmly in mind, but of course things don’t always go to plan and a huge percentage of babies are born in traumatic circumstances or via caesarean section. Similarly, while many mothers aim to breastfeed, they are often unprepared to deal with the difficulties that go hand in hand with this method of feeding, and often decide it is better for their wellbeing to switch to formula feeding.

The research, which took place at the University of Alberta, has been published in the Canadian Medical Association journal, and points out to mothers the long-term impacts of the decisions that they are making for their children right from day one.

Researchers studied microbiomes (a group of bacteria) in the guts of 24 infants, and found significant differences in the type and number of these bacteria present when comparing babies who were born naturally and those who were born via caesarean section. There was also a significant difference between those who were breastfed and those who were bottle fed.

The study seems to support the current drive to help more mothers give birth naturally and to support them while breastfeeding. This is particularly relevant, as it has already been shown that babies delivered by C-section are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, obesity and asthma in later life.

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