The Danger Of Pollutants On An Asthmatics’ Health

pollutionAsthma is a condition which is most common in children. Most kids grow out of it as they get older and as such the risk factor vanishes at that time. Of course there are the unlucky few who suffer from asthma for their entire lives. The condition itself is a chronic inflammatory respiratory condition which can potentially asphyxiate a patient. The bronchioles (the smallest airways) produce far too much mucus which causes them to become tighter and in some cases clog completely. This causes shortness of breath and wheezing in asthmatic patients. The real damage is done when the asthmatic patient encounters an outside allergen; this causes an inflammatory reaction in the main airways. Without proper and immediate treatment these patients may die.

Children who live close to pollutants are at a higher risk of hospitalisation than those who don’t. It’s been shown in concurrent studies that exposure to these chemicals makes asthma progressively worse as a condition. These pollutants traditionally come from things like busy roads or factories but can be the result of furnaces or even poor quality heating systems. If you live in a city it can be really hard to keep your child away from what is essentially the air itself. As such doctors recommend that you get your children’s condition checked regularly. Though an asthma attack will come about unexpectedly other asthma symptoms build up slowly and can be stopped. Regular check-ups can predict and then prevent the loss of lung capacity.

Providing asthmatic patients carry their inhalers with them at all times, they’re unlikely to suffer the direst consequences their condition can create. They should always be rushed to a hospital if their treatment doesn’t appear to be effective.

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