How Vaginismus Affects The Lives Of Many Women
You may never have heard of vaginismus but is a psychological condition that causes sexual problems for a large number of women across the UK. The condition is characterised by a powerful physical response. Whenever there’s an attempt to penetrate the vagina, the muscles surrounding the entrance go into an involuntary spasm.
Vaginismus doesn’t affect everyone in the same way. Some women who suffer with the condition may be easily aroused and enjoy orgasms – but for some reason, intercourse isn’t possible. For others, however, there may be very little sexual interest and it can often lead to developing a lot of fears and anxieties about penetration.
Some women will have suffered with the condition for all of their adult lives, but for others it may have occurred after a specific trauma or in a particular relationship. Either way, vaginismus can have a devastating effect on quality of life. Not only do women with the condition find it more difficult to enjoy having sex, but the inability to be penetrated makes the decision to start a family very difficult.
There are many causes for vaginismus, but none of them are physical. If you’ve suffered painful intercourse in the past, it could be that the condition is an unconscious response to avoid more pain. Generally the causes can be broken down into three specific categories: personal issues about sex, previous traumatic experiences or relationship issues.
Fortunately, vaginismus is an entirely treatable condition. You should speak to your doctor about the condition and they will be able to recommend an appropriate course of action. The most important thing is to avoid keeping your problems quiet, because there is no way to help you if doctors don’t know about it.
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