The Yoga Poses That Can Relieve the Pain of Arthritis

yoga therapyArthritis sufferers are always on the lookout for natural remedies to give them pain relief. There is no cure for the joint condition and all treatment focuses on simply managing the pain.

Exercise is known to relieve the symptoms of arthritis and yoga in particular is lauded as a gentle form of exercise that can improve flexibility and movement in joints affected by arthritis. Yoga has been developed over centuries to increase flexibility in the body with many yoga poses especially effective for increasing mobility and movement in the joints.

Here are 5 yoga poses that can offer relief from the pain of arthritis. To find out more about how yoga can help, you should seek out a certified yoga practitioner.

  1. Sun salutation: Known as the Suryanamskara, the sun salutation involves placing the weight of the body on your hands and raising your back and head. The pose is used to start yoga exercises because it works to loosen up the muscles and prepare them for more challenging poses.
  2. Hero pose: Also known as the Virasana, this seated exercise is very effective for easing pain in arthritic knees.
  3. Child pose: Relax your neck and reduce pain across the shoulders by lying down like a baby.
  4. Easy seat: The Sukhasana is another sitting pose that is used before going on to do pranayama, also known as the art of breathing control. This pose is another that helps to relieve knee pain as you must bend your knees to do it properly.
  5. Tree pose: The Vrksasana works best to ease the pain in the lower back that can often by typical of arthritis. It works to strengthen the back by improving balance and flexibility.

Yoga has been proven over generations to help both mind and body. For arthritis sufferers, it may be the most natural remedy of all for pain relief.

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