How You Can Lose Weight With The Idli Diet?

idliSome people will try almost anything to lose weight. It’s something of a national obsession – the newspapers, magazines and television are constantly bombarding us with signals stating that we need to lose weight and the myriad of ways that we can do it. Of course, this means that there are literally thousands of methods of weight loss all purporting to be the ultimate option that can help anyone lose weight.

Yet in the UK, despite our obsession with losing weight, it’s known that people being overweight and obese is actually on the increase; clearly we’re doing something wrong. That has led many people to go to extreme lengths to try to do something about their weight. But if invasive surgery or crash diets aren’t for you, then maybe you just need to try something a little different.

Have you heard of the idli diet? For that matter, have you even heard of idlis? Idlis are a staple South-Indian dish that is usually made for breakfast and also enjoyed as a snack. In North India, idlis are a healthy and filling meal and now they are making their way across to the UK as a potential diet food. The fact is idlis can be a very simple way of losing weight.

Generally the idli diet means having idlis as meals twice a day, usually as breakfast and then either for your lunch or dinner. Idlis are filling and nutritious, and as they are steamed they are low in fat and calories.

They are light and they won’t leave you feeling over-full or lethargic, instead you’ll be comfortably full and not tempted to snack in between meals. They are a great source of fibre and protein too, so they are actually great for your health, not just as a weight loss technique.

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