How To Maximise Your Workout in Five Steps

How do you find motivation to maintain a workout regimeHere are five great ways to make the most of your workout regime.

Don’t skip breakfast

You’ve heard the saying that ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ and when it comes to improving the quality of your workout this is definitely true. By the time that you’ve woken up in the morning your body will be depleted of energy. The sugar that you consumed during the previous day is gone. Blood glucose works in intervals of around two to three hours. Get a healthy and nutritious breakfast and you’ll be set up to make the most of the day.

Keep your workouts fairly short

Long workouts might seem like a good idea, but as it turns out they do not provide any extra benefits. Some studies have shown that any more than 45 minutes of workout can decrease the level of testosterone. Not only that but in addition it increases the levels of cortisol. These are only bad things for getting a great workout.

Eat after you exercise

Speed up your muscles recovery time by eating after you exercise. This will replace lost glycogen stores too. The best idea is to get a meal that contains both protein and carbohydrates. Research indicates that when we combine carbohydrates and proteins with our food, our bodies store more glycogen.

Get plenty of fluid after you exercise

Your fluid levels naturally get depleted while you exercise. And as it’s so important to recover after you’ve finished your workout, you should get plenty of fluid in once it’s over with. Ensuring that your body is hydrated is very good for you.

Get plenty of rest

It’s vital for you to incorporate rest into your workout routine. It is essential that you give your body enough time to recover after the period of high stress that a workout brings. If you don’t let your body recuperate, you can risk injuries, muscle and ligament tears, burnout and reduce performance.

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