Can You Have a Facelift Without Surgery?

faceliftAs superficial as it seems, our faces play a huge role in how we are perceived by those who we interact with on a daily basis. Once you get past 30 years of age it’s common to see signs of wrinkles, fine lines, sunspots and a sagging jaw line.

But there is some good news! We can appear both healthy and young while taking care of our skin through facial exercises. These facial exercises contribute to a ‘facelift’ without the complexities and dangers of invasive surgery. They stimulate multiple muscles in your face and have benefits far beyond physical beauty.

This strategy is in contrast with the typical approach today, which sees people using anything from plastic surgery, wrinkle creams, facial peels and mud baths. Unfortunately, these strategies are all short term; they are all rather temporary fixes that cost a lot of money.

Although we spend a lot of time taking care of our bodies to exercise and maintain proper nutrition, we very rarely consider our face as an important part of our daily regimen. The face, however, is no different from the rest of body and has muscles, ligaments and tendons which need attention and exercise in order to appear young, vibrant and supple.

By adding 15 to 20 minutes of facial exercises to your current workout regimen you can avoid paying for all the costly wrinkle creams, peels and even plastic surgery. Facial exercises work by strengthening the muscles of the face to maintain elasticity through resistance training. Regular exercise of the face will keep the skin from sagging and creating wrinkles.

Just like any other exercise program that you spend time on, exercising your facial muscles is a practice that must be done regularly. In order to form a habit, it can take a long time. If you can be consistent during this period of time chances are you will never turn back. The only thing you will turn back is the clock and keep yourself looking young and fresh.

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