Mindful of Medication – Tylenol Recall Trouble
In discovering a severe side-effect in their latest supply, McNeil Consumer Healthcare is recalling all bottles of Tylenol Arthritis Pain Caplet 100 count.
What was found was that the medication actually harmed its recipients, rather than lessened the pain, meaning that the effects – and all the side-effects were virtually redundant.
Arthritis is a disorder in which the body’s immune system rubs away the tissue that sits between the joints. When this happens, the bone joints rub together, causing the sufferer to be in intense pain.
Sufferers are suggested to exercise regularly in order to overcome part of the debilitating disorder and lose weight – but that is when the Catch-22 appears: the disorder improves when weight loss puts less stress on the joints – but the sufferer needs a heavy dose of drugs to feel less pain when exercising. The side-effects that are usually associated with pain-relief however, is off-putting for those that are taking them. Consequently, they are no longer taken for the pain, meaning that the chronic pain continues, untouched by any relief.
That being said, research has suggested that a moderate range of exercise and a good diet (and there are a lot of dieting programmes out there!) also has that same amount of pain reduction as intense exercise.
Whilst the retracting of particular medications is stressful, it is not impossible to adapt to something else – something that is potentially safer, simpler and better for you.
Whilst the side-effects of Tylenol have become a thorn in arthritic-sufferers’ sides, it isn’t the end. Whilst problematic, research into the care of arthritis have advanced. So much so that the chronic pain that sufferers have does not have to overcome them.
In these modern times, there is always another way – and those avenues are all open to you. Consult your doctor to see what you can do to relieve your pain.
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