Does Celiac Disease Give Greater Osteoporosis Risk?

According to a new report, people who suffer with celiac disease are at risk for developing osteoporosis later on in their life. This may be due to the fact that those with the condition do not correctly absorb calcium and vitamin D into their system. These two nutrients are absolutely essential for proper bone function and bone strength.

Celiac disease is an inherited autoimmune disorder that can damage and badly affect the small intestine. It does not allow nutrients to absorb properly when foods containing gluten are ingested and this can be very problematic for the body. Gluten is found in a number of foodstuffs such as wheat, rye, barley and triticale so problems can be very common. Individuals with celiac disease must eliminate foods with this protein or risk further problems in their body. If it is left unmanaged, celiac disease can lead to rapid bone destruction and severe osteoporosis.

This was certainly true for the Bobel family. This family first learned that they were at risk for this debilitating disease when Rebecca Bobel, 72, fractured her pelvis, hip and tailbone when she was only 50 years old.

At this point she was diagnosed with osteoporosis at the time and doctors later learned that she carries the gene for celiac disease. Bobel then went on to develop hypothyroidism and vitamin D deficiencies, which is are known to be very common in people who have autoimmune diseases. Today, she continues to receive treatment for each of these conditions and they have a bad effect on her health and wellbeing.

People with a single autoimmune disorder can be at risk for developing other autoimmune disorders too. This was extremely apparent with the Bobel family, where it was seen that there was more than one disorder in each family member who was treated.

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