What Mental Health Services Are Available to You?

Mental health conditions are extremely serious, yet they receive very little media attention. It is because of this that few people know where to turn when it comes to receiving support or advice for mental health disorders. Depression, anxiety and related conditions can lead to suicide in some individuals, as they feel there is no way out. Local authorities often have support groups and advice centres where people can find help, speak to trained individuals and talk openly without judgement. There are also often day care centres, where people suffering from mental illnesses can receive treatment.

Treatment centres are a great resource for people with mental health concerns, as they help people get back on track with their lives, empower them to talk about how they feel and enable them to build friendships with likeminded people. There are also therapies for people to engage in, as well as training or volunteering projects, which can increase job prospects. Many people who attend these centres find that the opportunities available to them make dealing with their condition more bearable, as well as helping to improve their overall wellbeing.

Mental Health Awareness Week was created in 2000 and was developed to bring the issue of mental health to the fore. The awareness week was created the Mental Health Foundation, a charity which helps people lead healthier lives whilst dealing with these conditions. The charity works by carrying out research and developing solutions to create health services for the mentally ill. Each year, it also picks a theme, such as exercise – this is to highlight the different services that such charities can offer help with and to encourage people to use different methods to alleviate their symptoms. If you think you may be suffering with a mental health condition, speak to your GP who can determine if this is the case and offer advice.

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