How Effective Are Gyms in The Workplace?

We all know the importance of working out regularly, but sometimes it can be difficult to find the time in our increasingly busy lifestyles. When we spend so much time on our careers, it makes sense that we workout at our place of work – but can it really help, or would it simply serve as a distraction? On-site gyms could work wonders for relieving stress, boosting morale and alleviating tension – they can even work to recruit employees! Whether you workout during your lunch break or after work, having a gym that is so accessible to you can be a great asset. Some companies also offer exercise classes throughout the week, from zumba to circuit training.

Many people questioned stated that having an on-site gym at their workplace would serve as a motivator for employees to want to be at work – an effective wellness programme can benefit the company by decreasing the amount of time employees take sick, boosting the sense of camaraderie and helping to develop strong communications skills, as you’ll likely meet people from other departments and develop better friendships. Exercise is important for reducing stress, which in turn can help to boost your productivity – with this in mind, many companies could benefit greatly from offering a wellness scheme.

Working off some of the stress of your working day, as well as staying healthy and maintaining a balanced weight, is a far healthier way of reducing your stress than simply bottling it up. Companies use on-site gyms for a number of reasons, as they benefit both the staff and the employers, but you don’t need to rely on your workplace to get regular exercise. If your employer doesn’t play host to a gym, why not use your lunch break more effectively by going for a jog or a brisk walk around the block, or cycling to and from work instead or driving? Getting plenty of physical activity can keep you healthy and do wonders for your stress levels.


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