How to Make Your Skin Look Younger Using Household Resources

When it comes to ageing body parts, your skin really lets you down. Whether it’s dark circles, a few wrinkles, or a little bit of sagginess here and there, your skin may as well be tattooed with “Look how old I am!” So clearly your skin is the best place to start with your anti-ageing regime – and you don’t even have to leave the house to do it.

Firstly, when your face feels dull and exhausted, you can revive it with a simple skin-patting technique. You should start at the top of the cheek bones because – due to fluid retention – your eyes are likely to develop bags. Using the soft pads of your fingertips, quickly pat your face towards your nose and then back to your cheek bones in an upward motion, coming around to your temples and across your eyebrows. This will rejuvenate and brighten your face – especially if you then apply moisturiser using upward strokes, moving up the neck to your jaw line.

You can even get your skin looking gorgeous as you sleep – as long as your position is correct. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, sleeping in the same position can lead to wrinkles that don’t disappear once you’re up, so your best bet for smoother, wrinkle-free skin is to sleep face up, on your back. Many of us prefer to sleep on our side, but this position increases the wrinkles on your cheeks and chin, while sleeping face down gives you a furrowed brow.

This next tip may make Communion problematic, but anti-ageing skin sirens should dread white bread (although red wine is fine!) A recent study from Australia has found that a Low Glycaemic Index Diet helped participants to decrease spots, and so you need to ditch your white refined carbs, such as bread, cereal and pasta, in favour of wholemeal varieties.

However, red wine is great for your skin, as grapes contain resveratrol. This is one of the most powerful anti-ageing antioxidants that has ever been discovered, with a number of studies indicating that it can help you maintain a youthful complexion by fighting damaging free radicals. For obvious reasons, you shouldn’t overdo it – but a small glass of red wine every other day is practically doctor-recommended!

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