Release Your Inner Beast

A new fitness trend sweeping the US proves that cardio doesn’t have to be deadly dull or serious. The fun, animal-inspired workout gets your pulse racing, builds muscle and also exercises your ‘funny bone’ to tap into the health benefits of laughter.

Hundreds of gyms in America now offer Animal Flow, which combines animalistic movements with elements of Parkour, break dancing and gymnastics. Created by Mike Fitch, its intense, freestyle flow of movements is designed to mimic or resemble those seen in nature.

The unique workout makes fitness enjoyable while developing your strength, power, endurance, coordination and speed. It focuses on four key areas:

Athletic Performance: Move through multiple planes of motion, rather than just one as when running in a straight line. You are teaching your body to coordinate movements as an entire unit rather than compartmentalising.

Cardiovascular Training: Intense, explosive movements challenge you anaerobically, while less intense, linking movements that can be maintained for longer periods offer an aerobic workout.

Stability: All movements place your body in a ‘four pillar’ position with hands and feet in contact with the ground. This allows stabilised muscles to work together as well as providing your wrists, shoulders, spine, hips and ankles with weight-bearing challenges.

Mobility/Flexibility: The workout stretches your body to increase mobility and flexibility through movement, not isolation.

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