Beat The Bloat

Though burping, bloating and flatulence are normal bodily functions – a result of the breakdown of foods whilst digesting and/or from swallowing air – if they are becoming embarrassing or even painful, and interfering with daily activities and your peace of mind, then it’s time to look at solutions.

For many people, excessive gas and bloating are signs that your digestive system has problems and you need to address what you are eating and how. There are many foods commonly known to trigger these symptoms like, for instance, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, lentils, peas and beans, potatoes, breads and dairy products. Try keeping a food diary to record what you are eating and how your body responds to it. This way you can identify the foods that cause an increase in flatulence and bloating. Many of these ingredients may still be good sources of nutrients so rather than eliminating them entirely you can try and reduce the amount you eat and combine them with ways to boost your digestion.

While cooking, avoid certain combinations of foods and add gas-reducing ingredients to help to combat symptoms:

Cook raw vegetables that are typically difficult to digest (like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage etc) to make it easier on the system.

Make smoothies and blended soups to mechanically break down the cellulose fibre in the fruits and vegetables that is thought to cause problems.

Take time over your meal and chew your food. Give your digestive system a chance by sitting down properly to eat, allow your digestive juices like saliva to be produced by smelling your meal and then mix with the food by taking smaller mouthfuls and chewing adequately.

Incorporate herbs and spices known to stimulate digestion and reduce gas into your meal either by drinking infusions (like Jeera water), adding digestive chutneys and sauces or simply chewing seeds after you eat. The best gas-reducing ones include ajwain, basil, black pepper, caraway seeds, cardamom, cumin, fennel, ginger, garlic and mint.

As long as you aren’t lactose intolerant, yogurt is an enzyme-rich food that many people find easy to digest. The bacteria in the yoghurt are vital to digestive processes. Both yoghurt and buttermilk help decrease the amount of flatulence the body produces.

Pineapple and Papaya are rich in the digestive enzymes bromelain and papain respectively. In pineapple, the enzyme is found mostly in the stem so make sure you add the centre part when juicing or making a smoothie. Unripe green papayas are highly concentrated in papain so grate and add to salads and wraps.

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