How Do You Tone Your Arms While You Walk?

Walking is one of the most popular forms of exercise, but while your legs and lower body get a great workout, it’s easy to neglect your upper body and arms. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be so – with just a bit of thought your regular walking sessions can also help keep your arms toned and in great shape.

The easiest way to do this is simply adjust your walking technique so you use your arms more. You don’t have to adopt a full-on ‘power walking’ gait, but by bending your arms slightly, and consciously controlling and directing your arm movements in time with your stride, you’ll gain a reasonable upper body workout. And if you then clench your hands into fists, you contract your arm muscles slightly to add a little extra burn.

Take this a step further by carrying hand weights, or specially-designed wrist weights. Both are inexpensive, and by starting with small one pound weights and working your way up, you can quickly see benefits in forearm muscle tone. Many fitness experts advocate weights as a great supplement to walking exercise, as by increasing your overall weight you’ll get more of a workout.

Ultimately, you can take this as far as you want. Some walkers engage in gentle upper body aerobics while on the move. Experiment, and find out what works for you personally – with just a little extra effort you’ll soon see great results!

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