Heal Back Pain With Yoga

Back Pain is one of the most common complaints of the modern life. We have a lifestyle, which is less than ideal for the health of our body. We sit in one position for long periods of time – in the office, at home, for work and entertainment. Our back muscles bear the brunt of our sedentary lifestyle and become the most stressed out muscles in our body. Just spend five minutes in some of these asanas to get relief. Yoga helps relax the back muscles to relieve the stress; it also strengthens the back to make it less susceptible to stress and subsequent pain.

Marjarasana or the cat pose

The Marjar (which means a cat in Sanskrit) or the cat family has one of the most flexible spines in the animal kingdom. Marjarasana imitates a cat stretching its back.

Assume a kneeling position with both hands (palms) touching the floor. The entire body weight is supported by the hands and the knees. Slowly inhale, and slightly arch your back as you look up. Then as you exhale, draw your navel toward the spine and look toward your belly. This gentle arching of the back and spine, upwards and downwards, is just like a cat doing a gentle stretch. Repeat 5 to 10 times daily. Be sure to link your breath to your movement.

Bhujangasana or the cobra pose

Bhujanga in Sanskrit means a snake or a cobra. This asana can be significantly useful at relieving discomfort in the muscles of the back, neck and abdomen.

Lie down on the belly with hands on the sides. Now, slide the hands forwards (towards the shoulders) with the palms touching the floor. Gently raise your trunk upwards with the head and neck arched forward. The final pose looks like a cobra raising its hood. Remain in this pose for as long as you are comfortable and then release the pose by coming back to supine position, gentle, gradually.

Balasana or the child pose

Balasana is a playful, yet soothing pose that’s good for low back pain. The asana is also called Shashankasana or the hare pose. Shashanka, in Sanskrit, means a hare.

Sit in the kneeling position. Raise the hands above the head. Slowly breathe out and bend over to touch the forehead to the ground. The hands will remain stretched touching the floor. Balasana relaxes the back muscles and also relives sciatic pain. There are many variations of this asana. You could try placing the hands behind the back, instead of taking it all the way to the front. Repeat thrice daily.

Advasana or the reverse corpse pose

This pose is exactly the opposite of the Shavasana or the corpse pose in terms of the prone posture. However, it is equally rejuvenating. It helps those who suffer from upper back and shoulder pain and is also effective for slipped disk and stiffness of the neck. It also helps correct stooping posture.

Lie flat on the belly with hands stretched forward over the head, placing them along the ground, arm touching the ear. Relax all muscles, close your eyes, and breathe naturally.

Makarasana or the crocodile pose

Makara is a Sanskrit word, which refers to a crocodile or a water-monster, the vehicle of the river goddess Ganga. This asana can be for relaxation between other asanas. It gives deep relaxation to the shoulders and the spine.

Yoga stretches and relaxation can remedy back pain caused by strain on the back muscles. There are many more asanas, which are best learnt under supervision. Sometimes, the back pain may be caused by more serious issues like disk prolapse, spine injuries, etc. In such cases, always consult a doctor for medical intervention.

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