10 Healthy Kitchen Swaps You Can Make Today

Looking to overhaul your diet? Trying to eat healthier meals? Want to ensure your family is getting five portions of fruit and vegetables each day? Well, it’s no surprise that healthy eating habits begin with a healthy kitchen. But, if you find you’re constantly making unhealthy choices, it might be time to introduce a few swaps.

Here are 10 quick and easy swaps you can try to improve your family’s eating habits:

1 Swap the biscuit barrel for a fruit bowl

Is your biscuit stash more accessible than your healthy snacks? If you find you’re always reaching for chocolate, sweets or biscuits, try moving your fruit bowl so that it’s the first thing you see when you’re deciding which snack to grab.

2 Swap salt for herbs

Too much salt in the diet can lead to high blood pressure. If you’re looking to reduce the amount of salt you use in your cooking, try flavouring meals with dried or fresh herbs instead.

3 Swap the frying pan for a steamer

Fried food might be tasty but it’s also high in fat and calories. Try steaming ingredients instead to create a healthier option.

4 Swap mayonnaise for lemon juice

Keep calorie-laden mayo as a treat and instead use lemon juice to dress salads or mix into sandwich fillings.

5 Swap sunflower oil for olive oil

There are lots of different cooking oils in the market and some are healthier than others. Try swapping sunflower oil for healthier olive oil where possible.

6 Swap meat for beans and pulses

Meat can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet but eating too much meat on a regular basis can be detrimental to health. For a healthier and cheaper option, try swapping meat for beans and pulses a couple of times a week.

7 Swap jam for honey

While both jam and honey taste delicious, honey is less refined and has a lower GI value than jam, so it won’t raise blood sugar levels quite so quickly. Remember however, honey is still a sugary treat so add sparingly.

8 Swap ice-cream for yogurt

If you’re craving a cold sweet treat, try frozen yogurt rather than ice-cream. It’s lower in calories and saturated fat making it a healthier option. Add a serving of fruit on the side to boost your vitamin count.

9 Swap frying for grilling

Frying food increases the calories and fat in a dish because of the oils used during the frying process. You can make dishes healthier by grilling ingredients instead – with no need for oil.

10 Swap the take-away menu for a recipe book

After a busy day, it’s all too easy to reach for convenience food or dial for a take-away. Why not create your own recipe book filled with quick and easy recipes that you can prepare in just a few minutes? Then next time you find yourself lost for inspiration, you’ll have a ready supply of recipes on hand.

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