Sun-Kissed: How to Reduce the Skin Damage of Summer

With the arrival of summer, you can find yourself rushing outside at any spare moment to soak up some of that temporary sun, but what is that doing to your anti-ageing wellness? Whether you’re after a tan, or get one by mistake, you need to replenish your skin with some much-needed nourishment. And to whom do you turn for your skin’s wellbeing? Mother Nature, of course!


According to Natasha Tuli, an expert in aromatherapy products, ‘Nature has all the answers to help you nurture your skin. Each natural ingredient has its own special quality and helps your skin in different ways.’ So which natural ingredients have secret special skin care qualities? Tuli argues that tomatoes are best for lightening the skin and removing your tan as ‘Lycopene, the carotenoid found in tomato, with its antioxidant properties, is used in many anti-ageing treatments.’


If you want your skin to be as soft as a baby’s, you can’t go wrong with a mixture of sandalwood, turmeric powder and rose-water. However, for more generic skin care, Aloe Vera works wonders. Aloe Vera has the ability to stimulate healthy cell growth and repair damaged tissues, and so it is great for all sorts of skin trouble – especially soothing irritated skin. Another way to reduce sun burnt skin is with winter cherry (Ashwagandha), but if you also want to reduce inflammation, rashes or insect bites, turn to peppermint, basil and neem leaves. Why not go the whole hog and throw in a little honey? That way, you have extra antioxidants and antibacterial agents that help reduce skin irritation.


If the sweat-inducing weather is making your face break out in unwanted spots, triphala is exactly what you need. You’ll forget you even had acne due to triphala’s high concentrations of polyphenols, flavonoids and other antioxidants that possess both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. For something a little easier to get your hands on, orange peel is an astringent and skin-toning agent, meaning that it clears acne, age spots and skin blemishes. However, if you’re affected by skin inflammation, acne and sunburn, you need a combination of sandalwood, gram flour and turmeric powder.

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