Five Natural Ways to Make You Look Younger Instantly

When you think about anti-aging, you probably conjure up an image of someone with very old, wrinkled skin and a body that is beginning to stop functioning properly, due to age. It is important to remember, though, that you are actually aging since the moment you are born, and so the wellbeing of your skin should be a priority from a very young age. Taking care of the wellbeing of your skin could mean that it maintains a healthy look throughout your life.

Skin contains two protein fibres, elastin and collagen, and these help to maintain the firmness. As your body gets older, external factors such as pollution and sun exposure combine with internal factors such as stress, and you start to produce less of these fibres, and the bonds between them grows weaker, too, which leads to the little lines that are known as wrinkles, and an uneven skin tone and lack of skin hydration.

Caring for your skin should, therefore, start as soon as possible. There are five important ways that you can go about this, as follows:

  1. Block the sun’s rays. Although it may be tempting to get a lovely golden tan when the sun comes out, you will regret it in later years. Cover your skin in suncream with an SPF of at least 30 every two hours, even when it is cooler.
  2. Take up exercise. When you exercise, it helps you to cut down on the amount of free radicals floating around inside your body. This naturally leads to healthier skin.
  3. Eat well. Don’t succumb to crash diets, as these are very bad for your skin. Losing weight too fast leads to you losing water in your skin, which can be harmful. Reduce weight slowly with lots of vitamin and mineral-rich foods, such as vegetables, grains and lean proteins.
  4. Stop smoking. Smoking is very bad for aging your skin, and the act of smoking itself gives you wrinkles around your mouth.
  5. Use a good anti-aging cream. Find a good anti-aging product and use it regularly. Find something that contains vitamin C and E, B3 and glycol.

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