Ayurveda is India’s Most Ancient Method of Healing

Deepak Chopra, one of the most famous Ayurvedic healers in history, claims that the body contains immense levels of knowledge, about which we are not yet aware. Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old, ancient healing system that has originated in India and spread throughout the rest of the world. At the centre of Ayurvedic healing is the notion of intuitive and holistic wellbeing. This complementary medicine is called Ayurveda as the word means ‘life knowledge’ in ancient Sanskrit.

Ayurveda is the only form of healing that looks at wellness from every possible angle, and looks to heal both emotional, mental and spiritual parts of the ailment as well as the obvious physical problems. Ayurvedic healers believe that every aspect of the human body and mind is connected, and that in order to heal someone completely you need to heal every aspect of the problem.

Within Ayurveda, the practice centres around something called ‘doshas’. These are ‘humours’ that are present in the human body, and they are divided into three types: pitta, vata and kapha. In most people’s bodies, one of these doshas is more dominant than the others, and this determines what type of personality they have and what their mental state is like. A large imbalance in the doshas, however, can lead to illnesses.

Keeping the doshas balanced is an important aspect of Ayurvedic health, and this is mainly done through lifestyle and diet, as well as other techniques such as panchakarma and massage. The pitta dosha, for example, is often thought to be unbalanced in the modern world, as stress and strains can lead to this dosha being overly present, and this in turn leads to a variety of physical ailments. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that if you gain an understanding of how to balance your doshas, every other aspect of Ayurveda, and, indeed, your life, will fall into place.


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