Could New Serum be the Ultimate Anti-Aging Product?

A new anti-aging serum that is available on the market from Yves Saint Laurent has triggered a massive consumer frenzy, with around 15,000 consumers downloading vouchers for a free sample online, before the product had even officially been launched on the market.

The product, which is called Forever Light Creator, has also been pre-ordered by over 3,000 people in the UK. It claims to improve the wellness and wellbeing of the skin and create a flawless complexion using science. Due to the demand, a special hotline has been put in place to allow people to go onto a waiting list if they are unable to obtain the product straight away.

It all centres around something called glycobiology, which is the study of glycans, and these are now believed to be of vital importance for the skin’s health, balancing its texture and giving it a smooth look and feel.  This science has contributed towards the development of the new serum, which has reportedly been three years in the making, and already has 13 patents protecting it.

Priced from around £35 to around £82, the product is aimed at women over 25 who want to improve the texture and tone of their skin. Research has shown that women care more about balancing out their skin tone and banishing age spots than they do about defeating wrinkles, and this product is aimed specifically at this research, promising women a smooth skin with an even pigmentation.

As well as claiming to give the skin a luminous glow, the Forever Light Creator is also designed to reduce age spots, the dark areas of pigmentation on the skin which appear with age and reduce the flawless look of facial skin. It works by creating synthetic versions of natural skin-products that help skin to renew itself.


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