What Everyone Ought To Know About These Everyday Foods
Looking after you wellness and wellbeing is often a simple matter of nutrition. Unfortunately, many people do not know which foods are their friends and which are their enemies. When it comes to cognitive function, nutrition is even more important as the brain relies on getting the right balance of vitamins and minerals to work properly, and those who consume a diet made up of junk food are depriving their brain of the chance to function to its best ability. Nutritionists advise us to consume brain-healthy foods and also to avoid certain types of food that are known for limiting the activity of the brain. Not many people know about the types of foods that can kill of their intelligence, however, so we’ve made a list of them here.
- Sugary foods. Sugar, as we know, is terrible in terms of making us gain weight, but it can also be responsible for declining brain function. Lots of sugar consumption can lead to neurological problems in the long-term, as well as affecting the memory. Sugar also affects your ability to learn, so children and adults alike are advised to steer clear of products that are pre-baked and contain sugar, corn syrup or high levels of fructose.
- More well-known for the damage it can do to the liver, alcohol can also have a devastating effect on the brain. It causes something called ‘brain fog’ which results in mental confusion and a lack of ability to think clearly or remember events from the immediate or distant past. High levels of alcohol can lead to this ‘brain fog’, but fortunately, cutting down on your alcohol intake may help restore your brain function to normal.
- Junk food is also a key culprit, as a study has revealed that these types of food can actually change the brain chemistry, leading to symptoms such as anxiety and depression. They can also be addictive and can lead to withdrawal symptoms, so are best avoided.
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