Could Natural Therapies Help Treat Your Sports Injuries?
If you’re working on your fitness or training for a big event, your wellness is guaranteed to be affected by an injury. You might want to put up with the pain, but you may put your wellbeing at risk by doing so. In that case, your options are letting injury get in the way of your daily routine, or else becoming dependent on medications to relieve the pain – well, that sounds appealing! Instead, why not try some complementary wellness methods to gain fast and effective relief from injuries, without taking any medications?
Backaches – If you’re a runner or a cyclist, you’re probably putting a lot of pressure on your spine, which inevitably leads to backaches. However, you can find relief from backaches, and even prevent them from occurring, if you practice yoga for more than an hour every day. Just a few simple yoga postures will help you to get rid of the pain, and strengthen your spine to withstand pressure in the future.
Swimmer’s ear – As a swimmer, your ears are significantly exposed to the water, and so are prone to regular ear infections. Your ear wax maintains a perfect pH balance which prevents infection from harmful bacteria, but sustained exposure to water lessens your ear wax, and so you’ll likely develop swimmer’s ear. However, you can terminate ear germs and get rid of the infection with a few drops of white vinegar.
Muscle cramps – Dehydration, poor blood circulation and a slow digestive system can all cause muscle cramps when you’re engaged in sporting activities, but you can keep this problem at bay by starting to eat a healthier breakfast. With your cereal, include low-fat milk and a tablespoon of cinnamon and ground flax-seed.
Blisters – Although petroleum jelly can provide temporary relief from blisters, it cannot repair the damaged tissue. Calendula, on the other hand, (a medicinal flower ointment) can reduce inflammation and enhance the speed of your recovery – just remember to cover the calendula with a dry bandage.
Runner’s knee – Acupuncture increases your levels of serotonin, endorphins and cortisol, which can be great for treating knee problems and this helps in reducing both pain and inflammation. As an added bonus, acupuncture also doesn’t involve any side-effects.
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