Top Tricks for Eating a Better Diet

Experts are always expressing the importance of a healthy and balanced diet in order to maintain good health. It doesn’t have to be as difficult as it first appears, either. It simply boils down to making better choices and relying less on processed foods – here are some basic tips that could help you to forge a beneficial diet easily and effectively. The first step is to eat the right amount of calories for your lifestyle – if you’re more active, the more calories your body needs. You’ll be able to judge by how much weight you lose or gain – if you’re losing weight, you need to up your calorie intake. Likewise, if you’re gaining weight, you need to drop your calorie intake or up the amount of exercise you’re doing. You should try to eat a range of fruits, vegetables, meat and legumes too. This will ensure that you get a range of nutrients.


You need to base your meals on a starchy food, such as pasta or potatoes. If you choose wholegrain varieties then this will be better for your body and will keep you feeling fuller for longer. Try to include a portion of starch with every main meal, as this will keep your appetite suppressed and will give you energy. Alongside this you need to aim for a minimum of five portions of fruit and vegetables every day – these are loaded with nutrients If you think it’s too difficult to eat that many portions every day, try being more creative with how you eat. For example, chop up a banana or throw a handful of berries onto your cereal, or you could include two or three portions in a smoothie. Eat a portion of carrot or celery sticks with some humus for your afternoon snack, then have a glass of juice and side dish of veg with your main meal. Remember that dried fruit and legumes count towards this as well.

Fish is really good for your health, being low in fat and high in omega-3 fatty acids. Try to include two portions into your weekly diet for better health, protection from heart disease and improved joint function. Oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel are the best varieties, as these have the highest levels of omega-3s, but keep your options varied for the best array of nutrients. Be careful how you cook them in order to retain the levels of goodness – steaming or grilling the fish is the best way. You also, naturally, need to cut back on the fat, salt and sugar. These dangerous additives are found in processed foods, junk food and ready meals. By cooking your own meals and relying less on processed foods, you’ll naturally lower your intake of these things – many health conditions have been linked to high intakes of fat and salt, such as diabetes and stroke, so your health will thank you for it. You should also keep your body hydrated – this means drinking between six to eight glasses of water every day. Our body relies heavily on water in order to function properly, so you need to replace what you use so that your bodily functions can work efficiently. It doesn’t need to be plain water though – cups of tea and coffee all count towards as well. Lastly, don’t skip your breakfast in the morning – you may think that you’re saving your calorie intake each day, but in actual fact you’re making your metabolism struggle and you may gain weight as a result. Keep your metabolism working by having a healthy and filling breakfast, to stop you snacking on unhealthy snacks mid-morning.

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