Potential Dangers-Why You Need to be Careful Around Diwali

Diwali is known as the ‘festival of lights’. It is an annual celebration that is a part of the lives of millions of Hindus all around the world. It is celebrated with great fanfare and it is known as a time where everyone can get together and enjoy themselves. In India it is an especially joyful occasion and a real experience for anyone who takes part. Truly this is one of the most heart-warming and good natured festivals in the world.


For many people, Diwali is a time for expressing your love for your friends and family and showing them how much you care about them by exchanging gifts and sweets, or by travelling a long way to visit them, perhaps after a lengthy absence. So given that this is clearly an occasion that is swept up in happiness and good will, why could it also be considered a time that is slightly hazardous to your health?


Well, the truth is that there are actually a number of health concerns thanks to the general practices of people around the Diwali period. This is because there are many traditions and customs that happen which, if are not done with the correct thoughts and precautions, can lead to very serious problems. The fact that there are lots of fireworks used, plus the addition of noise pollution and air pollution can lead to a less-than-healthy combination.


The fact that it is the festival of lights means that many people like to use fireworks and firecrackers as part of the celebration. This is supposed to signify the victory of good over evil, and as such it can lead to people really enjoying themselves. However, this can mean that they don’t pay too much attention to the realm of health and safety, and unfortunately this can lead to a moderately dangerous environment in which people can easily get hurt. It’s important to remember that fireworks can be very dangerous pieces of equipment, especially in the hands of people who don’t appreciate the damage they can cause.


When fireworks are ignited they let out a number of chemicals which are used to create the impressive sounds and sights that we associate with them. Unfortunately, while the fire and heat is one danger that we might all know about, sometimes we may not think about the chemicals. These chemicals can certainly be hazardous to your health and you should try not to breathe any in. So remember to exercise caution around fireworks, and especially firecrackers which let off a potent mixture of chemicals in order to achieve their impressive display.


Another problem that is associated with Diwali is the issue of sound pollution. We might not think of the occasional bang of a firework as a major problem – and it is not, but the actual issue arises from the constant barrage of sound that comes your way. Diwali is deliberately loud and noisy, and while this leads to a great atmosphere, it’s not the best for your ear drums. Be sure to take a break from the loud noises every once in a while, because it really is not such a good thing for you.


Fireworks can be naturally very dangerous if you put them in the wrong hands. Part of the problem is undoubtedly that children are sometimes given unfettered access to fireworks that they may not appreciate the dangers of. If you are going to give fireworks to children, be very sure to educate them in their dangers and how to use them properly, otherwise it is simply an accident waiting to happen.

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