How to Look Your Best During the Diwali Celebrations

When you get together with all your family and friends this Diwali, you will certainly want to look your best. What you must remember, however, is that inner wellness and wellbeing are necessary for you to look good on the outside. You also need to remember that how you behave during the celebrations will have an effect on how you look – and during a time of great busyness and when you are likely to be eating lots of sugary sweets and treats, it can be hard to stay healthy.


One way that you can help combat this is through adequate water intake. You can become so busy with your Diwali preparations that you actually forget to take in as much fluid as you should. Drinking at least 8 – 10 glasses of water per day should be the norm, as it cleanses your system and flushes out any toxins. As a result of this, it cleanses your skin and gives you a fresh, healthy glow.


During the winter, skin is likely to get quite dry anyway due to the use of central heating and the stress of various festivities, so as well as drinking lots of water you should also make sure that you use a really good moisturiser on your skin at least once per day, to lock in any moisture and keep away the buildup of grease and toxins.


You should also be careful about what you eat, as friend or heavy food can leave your skin looking greasy and pigmented.


Another option to keep your skin looking glowing during the festivities is to use fresh, natural produce to make your own face masks. Tomatoes, for example, can help to fight against oily skin and bananas can be used to help moisturise and invigorate tired skin.

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