What Are the Best Ways to Get a Youthful Glow?

The best anti-aging products will quite literally make you glow. Your inner wellness and wellbeing will shine out, and this itself will shed years from your looks.



It’s hard to keep this glow going all the time, especially at this time of year when the weather turns cold. You are likely to be less active in the winter, which reduces the blood circulation to your face, and your skin may also become really dry due to the heating being on at home and the lack of humidity in the air. There are various steps you can take to revive your face, however, and you can get your youthful glow back.


The best way to refresh skin that looks tired and pasty is to exfoliate. Buy a special exfoliating pad that is especially designed to use on your face. Don’t use one that is said to be suitable for the body, as this is likely to be too abrasive and can have an unpleasant effect. Make sure that you dampen the exfoliating pad and add a small amount of gentle soap. Move it in a clockwise motion around your face, buffing the skin in a gentle, circular motion. Don’t do this too aggressively as you could actually scratch your face. Rinse your face afterwards with cold water and then dry your face. You will have a new, rosy glow.


Herbal steam treatments are also recommended to deep cleanse your skin and add a beautiful colour. This will also cleanse your pores. To do one at home, boil some water and add a handful of herbs to the pot. Reduce the heat and let the mixture cool slightly. Drape a towel over your head and lean over the pot of steaming mixture. Be very careful in order to avoid burning yourself. Keep your face in this position for five minutes, and breathe deeply as you allow the herbs to do their job.

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