Gym Advice for Beginners: How to Workout and Stay Safe

You may want to get started on a wellness programme, but jumping right in without following any advice for beginners can seriously impede your progress, and potentially put your overall wellbeing at risk. Fitness expert Asha Das comments, ‘Many people have opted to go to the gym for a workout. This is an excellent way to start sweating. You have many exercise machines at your disposal and even a trainer to guide you through a schedule. But, many newcomers fail to follow fitness tips for gym beginners. Gym tips for beginners are imperative in helping you tap into your potential and make the best use of your workouts. These also ensure that you are not doing anything wrong. Simple mistakes can make serious consequences. It can also hinder your body from getting the best results from the exercise programme.’ So how do you start exercising in a safe way and get the most out of your workout?


1. Take Safety Precautions: According to Das, ‘The first thing to do before joining a gym is to ensure that you are able to perform these exercises. Answering the Physical Activities Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) or consulting your doctor before joining the gym may help.’


2. Have the Right Gear: ‘The first among fitness tips for gym beginners is to have the right gear for exercise,’ says Das. ‘Wear proper training shoes and clothes for a gym workout. The wrong gear will hinder your exercise and can even cause injury.’


3. Talk to Your Trainer About Everything: Das points out, ‘Among gym tips for beginners, one of the most important ones is to let your trainer know of your limitations and medical conditions if any. He will then be able to arrange your training to help you without stressing your body.’


4. Be Consistent: ‘Be consistent with your exercises,’ Das instructs. ‘Your trips to the gym should be regular, preferably seven times a week. Consistent efforts will help you reap the benefits.’


5. Don’t Neglect Warm Up Exercises: ‘Many people tend to run to a machine as soon as they enter the gym and start sweating,’ says Das. ‘But this is harmful for your body. Among fitness tips for gym beginners is one to do some warming up before exercising.’


6. Mix Up Your Routines: Das notes, ‘We know many people who seem to be in love with the treadmill. They will stay stuck on the treadmill till they leave the gym. Mixing up your exercise routines is another among fitness tips for gym beginners.’


7. Keep Your Body Hydrated: ‘Among gym tips for beginners, another one is to stay hydrated,’ Das suggests. ‘You are driving your body to do a lot of unaccustomed exercises and this will cause the body to lose fluids. Keep sipping some water between exercises.’


8. Do Not Slouch: Das advises not slouching ‘while doing any of the exercises. Keep your body straight and look ahead and not at your feet. Relax the shoulders and take deep breaths if you find yourself slouching.’


9. Know When it’s Time to Stop: ‘Gym tips for beginners include knowing when to stop,’ Das warns. ‘Listen to your body for chest pains or shortness of breath during exercise. If this happens, you should stop exercising. Increase your workout length over some time.’


10. Don’t Forget Your Cool down Sequence: Das points out, ‘Like warm up exercises, cool down exercises are also required before you stop your workout for the day. These exercises are designed to relax and soothe your muscles after a vigorous training session.’

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