5 Reasons Vitamin D is Essential for Seniors
Seniors don’t always need to turn to medicine to strengthen and heal their bodies. If you are over 55, vitamin D3 has some very significant benefits that anyone can use. It is as simple as taking a 15 minute walk in the sunlight, adding the right foods or a D3 supplement to your diet.
Any of these three ways adds vitamin D3 to your system, but using natural sunlight, which allows your body to synthesize the vitamin naturally, is the most effective. The average senior can could enjoy sunlight when the weather permits for up to an hour. Vitamin D3 can be found in common foods like cod liver oil, fish, milk, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, and a 400 mg supplement of vitamin D3 can be found in virtually any drug store. Typically, the average person cannot get enough D3 simply from their diet, so it is necessary to add supplements or daily walks to maintain a good level.
Five Benefits of Vitamin D3 for Seniors
1. Vitamin D3 works to ensure strong bones and prevents Osteomalacia, which causes weakness in the muscular system and brittle bones.
2. Provides calcium balance to prevent osteoporosis and arthritis.
3. Regulates and maintains blood pressure, and improves overall skin health, making skin soft and smooth and reducing wrinkles.
4. Vitamin D3 is excellent support for the immune system, which improves kidney function and prevents several diseases.
5. Research has shown that Vitamin D3 controls abnormal growth in cancer cells and also controls abnormal insulin production.
Deficiency of Vitamin D
Seniors tend to develop a deficiency of vitamin D as they age for obvious reasons, such as decreased hunger and a lower dietary intake, less time outside in the sun, problems with intestinal absorption, impaired function of the liver and kidneys, muscle weakness and tiring easily from rising from a chair or climbing stairs.
Many of these common illnesses are directly caused by the deficiency of vitamin D that was so much more available in younger years. Building the immune system is one of the most significant benefits because it improves the entire body and prevents diseases.
Always check with your family doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you taking care of yourself with in home care. The medical community is aware of the benefits that the aging population can obtain by taking a regular supplement every day. Typically, 400 mg of D3 added to your daily diet will improve your general health and well-being.
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