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emotional bond

Reduce Paper To Reduce Stress

Whether it’s piles of documents on your desk at work, bills and paperwork strewn across surfaces at home, or files and papers clogging up your home office, facing mountains of paperwork on a daily basis can be a real problem. Not only is it…

Will You Rent A Friend?

Do you want to appear surrounded by friends so you look popular on the social media but don’t have enough of them? Or perhaps you can’t seem to find a boyfriend or girlfriend while all your friends have them and you seriously miss a date…

How Love Affects Shopping

Even if you are the most sensible shopper, matters of the heart will make you reject thriftiness and go all out, splurging like the proverbial drunken sailor. Brides-to-be, those indulging in a bit of retail therapy to feel better, and even…