How to Recover From Your C-Section as Soon as Possible


Having a C-section isn’t a major health concern, but you still need to take care of your wellbeing as you recover. Wellness expert Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting, notes, ‘No doubt you’re eager to put all of your energy (the little you have right now) into taking care of your precious (and needy) newborn. But before you get up and go-go-go through these first few postpartum — and post-surgery — weeks, remember that slow and steady wins this race. And that’s probably exactly what your doctor ordered: to scale back your activity so that you don’t put undue strain on your incision and your energy level.’ If you want to recover from your C-section sooner rather than later, you need to keep the following strategies in mind:


1. Lower Your Expectations: According to Murkoff, ‘Caesarean sections take longer to recover from than vaginal births, so you can expect to wait at least four to six weeks before you start to feel semi-normal again. In addition to the soreness you’ll feel at the incision site, you’ll be dealing with exhaustion (from the operation and sleep deprivation), after pains (as your uterus contracts), bloody discharge, pain in the perineal area (especially if you tried to deliver vaginally before going into surgery), breast engorgement, and (if you thought that wasn’t enough) raging hormones. If you give yourself a realistic time frame to recover, then you’ll be less frustrated as the days turn to weeks (and possibly even months).’


2. Give Yourself a Break: ‘Yes, you have a new baby to care for,’ says Murkoff. ‘But remember that you need to take care of yourself too, in order to speed your C-section recovery. So take as many shortcuts as you can. Have other people (your partner, your in-laws) bring the baby to you instead of getting up to get her yourself. Don’t waste your energy preparing meals — order in or have your husband heat up some of those frozen meals you stocked up on. Let the laundry pile up, or send it out to be cleaned. Use paper plates so you don’t have to worry about washing dishes. And of course, let your husband take regular shifts with the baby so you can catch up on z’s. Do whatever it takes to make your life easier — and do it guilt free!’


3. Get Moving, But Take Small Steps: ‘You’ll have to wait a few weeks (and until your incision heals) before your practitioner gives workouts the green light,’ Murkoff details. ‘But in the meantime, even when you’re lying down you can help your C-section recovery by boosting your circulation and muscle tone. For starters, regularly flex your feet, stretch your calf muscles, and wiggle your legs around as much as you can. Another exercise you can do in bed — Kegels. They’ll help strengthen your pelvic-floor muscles, which were strained during pregnancy. What about out-of-bed workouts? When you feel up to it, stroll around your house slowly. As soon as you feel tired, sit down. Build up your stamina by walking around for as long as you’re comfortable each day and even head outside to walk when you feel ready. Soon enough, you’ll be back on your feet for good.’


4. Nourish Yourself: Murkoff instructs, ‘Stock up on healthy snacks and keep them (and water) nearby so you can maintain your strength and energy. Good picks include nuts, whole-wheat pretzels, string cheese, fibre-rich fruits (fresh and dried), and baby carrots with dip. (Steer clear of constipating foods like bananas, since one side effect of both vaginal and caesarean deliveries is that you’ll probably be a little backed up.)’


5. Keep an Eye on Your Incision: Murkoff advises, ‘While you can expect your scar to be sore for at least a few weeks during the C-section recovery, you can help speed the healing by protecting it from irritation. Apply a light dressing to the wound (ask your practitioner how) and wear loose tops and pants that don’t chafe your belly. You can expect to feel itching and pulling sensations around the incision, as well as numbness — all these sensations are normal. If you feel a lot of pain (beyond what your practitioner said you would) or the wound gets red or oozy, call your doctor since this could be a sign of infection.’

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