Be healthy at work

There are many health hazards associated with being at work, and yet corporate wellness is such an important issue. You spend so much time at work that it is vitally important to take care of your health and wellbeing, and avoid work-related illness.

One of the hazards associated with working in an office environment is long working hours. Particularly at times of high pressure, people often do not get enough rest, and do not take regular breaks throughout the working day, which are vital for their health. They also often eat unhealthy convenience food and snack throughout the day, so as to avoid taking time away from the desk for a proper meal.

Many workers also spend a lot of their day doing sedentary activities, where they are stuck behind a desk. This, coupled with poor diet, can lead to a serious decline in health and can put workers at higher risk of weight-related illnesses, stress and heart problems.

Unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking too many caffeinated drinks can also contribute to health problems in white collar workers.

Some of these unhealthy lifestyle choices can be attributed to stress at work: people often find it difficult to get away from their desks to adopt a healthier lifestyle as they feel under pressure to meet certain deadlines. They then take up a habit such as smoking in an attempt to relieve stress, but this in fact adds to the problem, as it increases their risk of health problems such as hypertension.

If any of this sounds familiar to you, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are some simple things you can do to improve your health. Eating small, healthy meals several times a day is a good start. If you feel the need to snack, make sure you snack on nutritious food such as fruit and nuts. Finding time for a brisk 20-minute walk every day can also help to relieve stress and improve overall health.

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