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Health At Work
Staying healthy in the office during the holiday season
Tis the season for holiday work parties, hot drinks loaded with extra calories, skipping the gym to cuddle up on the couch, and just general coziness! Unfortunately, cozy and healthy don’t always go together, and struggling through the…
What is the link Between Asbestos and Lung Cancer?
Former England football player Ian Wright is the face of a new campaign to reduce the number of asbestos-related deaths, which have been increasing in numbers over the past few years. The campaign is being carried out by the Health and…
7 Simple Health Tips for the Freelancer
Even if you work from home, you can still get sick. And taking a sick-day can result in tons of work and tighter deadlines the next day, not to mention the possible damage on your credibility and payment.
To keep the…
Three Steps to a Healthier Work Experience
If you work in a desk-based job, you may be aware of the risk to your health from sitting down all day and limiting the amount of physical activity you get. While the structure of many modern businesses are changing, such as including gyms…
Diwali Can be Wonderful When Celebrated With Colleagues
Diwali is celebrated all over the world by the Indian community, and it is a festival of joy, light and celebration. The sheer pleasure of it helps to improve the wellness and wellbeing of millions, as they revel in the annual celebration,…
The Secret of Dealing With a Boss Who is Incompetent
One of the biggest challenges in the corporate world is what to do if you have an incompetent boss. Many people lose sleep over this kind of issue, as it can be a big threat to your own wellness and wellbeing at work if your boss is apt to…
Protecting Those Working on the Sea: What You Need to Know
Working on a vessel or on a rig offshore can be very exciting. It can also be very dangerous. Along with all the common types of injuries that may occur at work, you must add the additional danger of the water to the mix. Maritime workers,…
How to Keep Your Heart Healthy in the Workplace
Studies have shown that there is a great deal of potential in improving our wellbeing in the workplace by improving our heart health. We spend a large proportion of our time at work, so it stands to reason that this should be one of the key…
Office Hygiene: How to Avoid Allergy Triggers at Work
People spend majority of their time at the office, maybe even more so than they do at home, especially if they are workaholics who always do overtime. However, the long hours spent at work can be rendered unproductive in the case of an…
Time Off Work Makes You Perform Better at Your Job
Here’s something to tell your boss next time you are speaking to them: taking time off work actually makes you a better employee. In a demanding corporate world, this can be a difficult concept for employers to stomach, but it is true that…
Taking Care of Your Workers Takes Care of Business
Small companies tend to do the best job of taking care of corporate wellness. When several people work together in a confined space, a good manager is responsible for their wellness and wellbeing, and will be able to oversee the general…
Are Corporate Wellness Programmes a Waste of Money?
Under the US Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or ACA), employers who offer wellness and prevention programmes to employees are given greater support. But do such programmes actually improve employee wellbeing or reduce…
The P6 Framework: How to Improve Employee Mental Health
The challenges of employee mental illness are undeniable. Not only does mental illness affect your employees’ wellbeing, but corporate wellness can suffer as a result of increases in absenteeism, a decline in workplace productivity, and…
Hurt at Work: Should You Take Time to Recuperate?
You may dread the very thought of being injured at work. However, despite your best precautions, you may not be able to prevent getting hurt at work and suffering an injury that requires you to take off work to recuperate. It is no secret…
Warning: Role Overload Could be Major Stress Factor at Work
Due to the current and ongoing economic crisis, many people are suffering in all kinds of different ways in the corporate world. There may be a general view that you are ‘lucky to have a job’ in the current climate, and should count your…
National Employee Wellness Month Gains Corporate Support
For five years, National Employee Wellness Month (June) has helped business leaders learn how companies are successfully engaging employees in healthy lifestyles. The annual initiative can help you to see how prevention, coupled with…
Could your Work Environment Make you Ill?
According to a recent study, one in two workers don't leave the office all day, and 27 percent of staff snack on unhealthy foods at least once a day. Such habits make for a less than enjoyable work environment and could be the reason you've…
Could Hong Kong Learn a Thing or Two From British Companies?
For EDF Energy, one of Britain's largest energy companies, ill health among employees costs £13 million (HK$164.4 million) a year. Since 2006, the company has therefore introduced many corporate wellness initiatives, encouraging staff,…
Danger on the Job: Honest Work that Can Kill
While some people aim for a cushy desk job that offers them a steady 40 hour work week, other people choose to enter professions that pay well, but carry hefty risks to their personal safety. These jobs, while dangerous, also are vital to…
Is My Job Just Too Dangerous to Keep?
The construction industry has been experiencing a surge of business over the past few years, and this has helped to create a lot of new jobs. Unfortunately, working in construction is also often referred to as one of the 10 most dangerous…
Healthy Vending Machines Create Wellness Work Environment
Corporate Wellness has gathered steam over the years, with wellness programmes being commonly found in factories, corporate offices, large corporations and small corporations alike. Now, businesses big and small are taking the next step in…
Warning: Fit For Work Tests Unfair on The Mentally Ill
A judge has concluded that the wellbeing of those with mental health problems is not being considered when it comes to ‘fitness for work’ assessments. The Department for Work and Pensions has failed to protect those with mental wellness…
Sit Up, Look Sharp: How to Improve Your Office Posture
Musculo Skeletal Disorder (MSD) is a back problem which develops over time and can have a major impact on your wellbeing. Overtime, your body muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves can be affected, but what crazy behaviours are you…
Nurse Corporate Wellness Improves with Holistic Programme
The Beth Israel Medical Centre’s programme is unusual among health and wellness programmes in New York and New Jersey in that it was designed by nurses specifically for nurses. Nurse corporate wellness is the name of the game in this…
Does Your Work Environment Increase Your Risk of Diabetes?
Your corporate wellness could have an impact on your risk of diabetes. This is according to a new study, published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, which has found that the dynamics of the work force could greatly increase…
US University Leads the Way with Summer of Employee Wellness
The University of Alabama at Birmingham, in the US, is hoping to help employees’ corporate wellness this summer with free on-campus programmes. UAB Employee Wellness will start five programmes over June and July to get employee wellbeing in…
Corporate Wellness Begins with Culture and Resources
If you believe you have the resources to conduct wellness lifestyle behaviours throughout the workday, you will be more likely to actually participate in such behaviours. This is according to an April 2013 survey by The Ohio State…
Work Hard, Play Hard: What are the Most Enjoyable Jobs?
If you’re going to achieve real corporate wellness in your job, you need to enjoy it. However, does it come down to your personal tastes? Or are some jobs just more fun than others?
The benefit of being a flight purse/air hostess is that…
Does an Investment in Corporate Wellness Pay Off?
Every year, employers spend $2 billion on wellness programmes. This is according to market researcher IBISWorld, which doesn’t even take into account the cost of corporate wellness plans that companies develop in-house. That’s a lot of cash…
Is a Defined Contribution Health Plan the Answer for You?
According to Zane Benefits, who have helped companies of all shapes and sizes to improve employee wellness over the years, defined contribution health plans are an affordable alternative to employer-sponsored group health insurance plans.…